Hello guys !
This demo was created with Godot Engine 3.
1) A true FPS controller that lets you: Climb Ledges as well as Climb Ladders; Crawl through vents; Walk on slopes. Swim..
2- Complex inventory method. You can drop items, store them, or make fresh ones.
Three-tiered AI Systems that can avoid each other, see, hear, attack, patrol, investigate...
Four effectssuch as Lens Flares and Minimap.
5- Advanced UI System, Damage System, Game Console System, Settings System, Save and Load System, etc.
6 Other features and details are available in the game.
7- All things work with all, and you'll learn everything in simple ways that look professional.
Note: I forgot to delete a line, pressing "B" will cause it to hurt. The reason for this was debug purposes, sorry.
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